The Relationship Mastery Experience is a 1-on-1 program designed to assist you in overcoming past emotional baggage, transcending current limiting relationship beliefs, learning relationship dynamics and attracting the relationship you desire and deserve.
Peter Baca
"Before we started our consultations, my relationship with my partner was crumbling and we had lost our ability to clearly communicate to each other. Since working with Emmanuel, our whole relationship dynamics has taken a 360 degree turn and we love and appreciate each other like never before."
Wandna Tucker
"You’re an amazing guy and you have no idea how much I appreciate you being in my family’s life, especially all the magic you do in helping things sort themselves out. I’d recommend you to anyone that wants to create mass change in their lives."
"Thanks Emmanuel I would thoroughly recommend to everbody your Quantum Equilibrium sessions for solving any problems/issues in life. These sessions are much more effective than any healing or counseling work that I have done before. You are an excellent facilitator very patient and knowledgeable."
Jane de Saxe
Life Coach
"Emmanuel you're able to ask some incredible questions that brought out some things in me that I didn't know were there, and also really go deep and work out what I was feeling towards my father. It's really opened a pandoras box of love for me. I am really grateful for this experience."
The Relationship Mastery Experience is designed to provide you with the tools, resources, knowledge and skills to address current relationship challenges, whilst assisting you to prepare for future obstacles.
This program will provide you with over 40-hours worth of value, alongside your personalised 1-on-1 consulting.
(10+ hours)
Phone + email support
(8am - 8pm)
Emotional Analysis
(1.5 hours)
Video Educational
(10+ hours)
Results Guaranteed
Values Determination
(1.5 hours)
Access to Quantum Equilibrium™
Audio Resources
(1.5 hours)
Specialist Assistance
(3 CDs)
Video Tutorial Guidance
Comprehensive Booklet
(20+ pages)
Access to QE
Private Community
Lifetime Support
Within the past 11-years, clients have mentioned experiencing profound changes and benefits
from attending this The Relationship Mastery Experience. Below are some of those changes they
have created within the different areas of their lives.
Family & Relationship Benefits
Increased ability to communicate to partner
Overcome past relationship challenges
Gain clarity on whether to stay or exit the relationship
Start communicating more effectively
Letting go of resentment
Bringing balance to the relationship dynamic
Gain a strategy to manage emotions within the relationship
Rely less on partner
Increase gratitude for partner
Increase gratitude for past partners
Change the relationship dynamic you are attracting
Become present in your relationship
Overcome relationship fears
Overcome infatuations/placing partner on a pedestal
- Learning tools to self-empower and empower the relationship
- A greater understanding of relationship dynamics
- A greater understanding of how to utilise relationship dynamics for personal and relationship growth
Mental Benefits
Reduced brain noise
Clear mindedness
Let go of emotional anchors and triggers
Increased resilience towards challenges
Ability to think/act without emotionally reacting
Letting go of mental disorders (anxiety, depression etc)
Letting go of PTSD
Letting go of past trauma
Reduced negative self-talk
Greater self-evaluation and appreciation
Thinking about relationship challenges differently
Solving future and present relationship challenges faster
Holding on to less challenges as they arise
Increased ability to problem solve
Seeing a more balanced perspective in general life
Ability to see and address red flags considerably faster
Understanding challenges and solutions in real time faster
Naturally moving towards living more authentically
Physical Benefits
Letting go of emotions stored within the body
Reduced symptoms of stress
Increase in energy
Increase in vitality
Reduced desire for addictive substances
Reduced desire to over eat
Less stress on organs
Increase sense of enlightenment
Reduced pain in shoulders
Reduced tension
Reduced compression within the body
Feeling less drained throughout the day
Feeling less drained at the end of the day
Waking up with more energy
More regulated nervous system
Increased ability to sleep
Reduced brain noise and brain fog
Vocational Benefits
Ability to be more present at work
Ability to have not have relationship challenges present during the workday
Increased presence at work
Increased productivity at work
Less drained emotionally at work
Ability to focus more deeply on work tasks
Ability to be more present with staff members
Healthier ability to seperate relationship and work
Less triggered by anchors/triggers within the work place
Increased ability to resolve challenging work relationships
Greater understanding of relationship dynamics within the workplace
Increased understanding of vocational vision
More energised and inspired
Decreased emotional reactiveness within the workplace
Increased ability to resolve work challenges
Clearer mind at work
Social Benefits
Increased ability to be present within social settings
Removal of anchors and triggers that were triggered within social settings
Increased social empowerment
Communicating more effectively within other peoples values
More congruent and authentic to your own values
Increased gratitude and appreciation
Becoming open to re-entering the dating world without the previous baggage
Becoming open to meeting someone
Giving yourself permission to date
Increased ability to stand your ground in social settings
Increased ability to be in confident alone and within social settings
Less judgement on ones self within social settings
Increased ability to communicate in challenging circumstances
Financial Benefits
Increased understanding of personal financial empowerment
Increased ability to communicate financially within the relationship
A deeper understanding of relationship dynamics and financial empowerment
A deeper understanding of relationship delusions and fantasies
Increased ability to overcome relationship delusions and fantasies
Saving money by achieving the results you're after
Decreased emotional spending through increased emotional self-regulation
A deeper level of financial gratitude and desire for growth
Book Your Complimentary Discovery Call
Interested in working with Emmanuel and creating some powerful changes within your life? Book your hassle free Complimentary Discovery Call today and take the action necessary to achieve your desired outcomes.
Consultation Structure
Our in-depth professional consultations are designed to serve your needs from the comfort of your own home or office, allowing you to save, time energy and money when achieving your goals. We also make ourselves available
in-person upon request, see our highly powerful consultation structure below.
Pre-Consultation Phone Call
Prior to starting your journey, you’ll receive a phone call from your specialist welcoming you and outlining the agenda for the next 6 weeks, further explaining and clarifying what you can expect and answering any questions you may have.
Pre-Consultation Tasking
Completion of The Time Travel Form® (emotional x-ray of your whole life to date (positive and negative), alongside listing the greatest to least charged items, people, events)
Completing your Values Determination Form and refined further information regarding living an inspired destiny
Quantum Equilibrium™ theory video (video with clear explanations on the application of the work we are doing and effects on physiology, psychology, and biology, as explained by your personalized specialist)
Follow-up Phone Call
Work through your greatest challenge and dissolving all emotions associated with this area of life
(As specified when completing The Time Travel Form®)
Consultation 1
Work through your greatest challenge and dissolving all emotions associated with this area of life
(As specified when completing The Time Travel Form®)
Post Consultation Tasking
1-hour video content to view
Specialist available to answer questions via phone, email or skype
Consultation 2
Work through your greatest challenge and dissolving all emotions associated with this area of life
(As specified when completing The Time Travel Form®)
Post Consultation Tasking
1-hour video content to view
15-30 minutes mind equilibrating homework
Specialist available to answer questions via phone, email or skype
Consultation 3
Work through your greatest challenge and dissolving all emotions associated with this area of life
(As specified when completing The Time Travel Form®)
Post Consultation Tasking
1-hour video content to view
15-30 minutes mind equilibrating homework
Specialist available to answer questions via phone, email or skype
Consultation 4
Work through your 2nd greatest challenge and dissolving all emotions associated with this area of life (As specified when completing The Time Travel Form®)
Post Consultation Tasking
1-hour video content to view
15-30 minutes mind equilibrating homework
Specialist available to answer questions via phone, email or skype
Consultation 5
Work through your 2nd greatest challenge and dissolving all emotions associated with this area of life
(As specified when completing The Time Travel Form®)
Post Consultation Tasking
1-hour video content to view
15-30 minutes mind equilibrating homework
Specialist available to answer questions via phone, email or skype
You have a guarantee on 1 complete collapse, should that requires extra time to complete, this comes at no charge to you. You will dissolve all negative emotions towards the person, people, situations, events you have a charge towards (Top 1, with the opportunity for 3 problems as discussed in Time Travel Form® dependent your speed applying the principles.)
Join our private community of empowered thinkers
After completing your level 1 experience, you will be welcomed to the Quantum Equilibrium™ online community via Facebook where you can receive free video content weekly and interact with 100's of members.
On-going support
Lifetime guarantee on the dissolved area’s worked on and an ability to contact your specialist and ask questions in reference to life mastery in all area’s of life free of charge.
Your Guarantee
Every client that consults with Emmanuel is guaranteed to dissolve all emotional imbalances specified and agreed upon by Emmanuel and the client. All negative and positive emotions associated with your no.1 chosen challenge/charge will be restored into psychological and emotional balance. That's The Quantum Equilibrium™ guarantee and difference.
Payment options to suit your needs.
Within 11+ years of consulting, Emmanuel has designed this experience to achieve the results
that clients continually requested. This includes going above and beyond conventional methods of psychology
that were not meeting our clients expectations and level of expected results.
Emmanuel Anthony
Results guarantee
Certified within the application of
The Demartini Method
Learn how control your
own perceptions
drug-free solution
Provided exact time
frame for results
Talking therapy without a specific goal timeline
For more clarity on this experience, simply leave your details
and enquiry below. One of our specialists will contact you at
your requested time and clearly answer your request.